Why use photovoltaic energy?

Because with the help of solar modules, we can to reduce the ligth bill. Also is a modular system. We can install solar modules, in fuction of the energy needs.

Solsticio design and execute your solar installation for self-consumption, whether for industry or home. We work with first brands at the best price.


Simple installation for exploit of direct form the energy produced with our solar modules.It hasn´t batteries so that the produced energy should be used at the moment. They should have a zero grid system for security. The elements with which the installation counts are:

  • Solar Modules.
  • Inverter.
  • Zero Grid system.


This type of systeme, it can be modular. For that you can install a few solar modules and you can comprobe at end of the month the actual savings in the light bill. We can repite this inversion until we have covered all our energetic needs.

Recommended for all types of housing and industries


Installations Instalaciones a las cuales no les llega el suministro de la compañía electrica o simplemente quiere tener cierta independencia de la red y producir su propia energía. Este tipo de sistema cuenta con baterías para el aprovechamiento total de la energía generada por los paneles. Los elementos de los que se compone:

  • Solar Modules
  • Inverter.
  • Regulator.
  • Batteries.


Another variable that we can find inside of this installation is the SWAP system. This type of installation counting with batteries and adding a monitoring system, it allows to have the electric grid as an assistant.

As an example, a home in Spain consume 9.000Wh/day. This needs would be covered with 12-15 solar modules.


Highly recommended for rural houses.


Application very extended in the community of irrigation. A solar pumping is three times cheaper than a pumping with a generator group. In most case, the electric grid doesn´t reach the area so that the electric firm oblige the user to install a transformer. So that, it is cheaper to install solar modules than an electric line.

Ask for an estimate without any commitment .

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