
Solstice is a company specialized in the repair and maintenance of solar photovoltaic investors of the brand Solarmax, both for owners of solar gardens and for companies mantenedoras, already be in solar covers or solar gardens. In addition, if it wants to mount a new photovoltaic installation, we realize the project and proceed with all the available helps

We move

Though the majority of our clients center in the south-east of Spain, we move to any place of Spain to give our services.


Maintenance and Repair

We realize tasks of repair and maintenance of solar photovoltaic investors of Solarmax, being expert in this type of technology. In addition, we analyze of free form his solar installation to evaluate if he needs maintenance or repair.

Our Objective

In Solstice we have proposed to take the solar power to all the corners of Spain realizing facilities there where our clients need it. In addition, we know of the importance for our clients of supporting the photovoltaic facilities in ideal conditions, with the aim to assure the good functioning of his equipments during the useful life of his installation and to reduce this way the time of amortization of the facilities..

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